Mega-Ray - 70w
  • Mega-Ray - 70w

Mega-Ray - 70w

  FREE SHIPPING Starts at $5,000

Easy to do when combining ALL brands

Mega Ray Pet provides the necessary UVB, UVA and heat for your UVB-dependent basking reptiles.

More UVB - But Safer

Mega-Ray SB Narrow Flood Lamps produce more UVB than other true Mercury Vapor Floods, yet is safer for owners! Directs the majority of the UVB from the face of the bulb, rather than diffuse it across a 180° angle.

Longer Useful Life

Using cutting edge technology coupled with five years of dedicated research and testing, we have conquered and significantly reduced the huge decay rates so common in other Mercury Vapor lamps. While other bulbs decay as much as 80%, our newly designed SB bulbs decay less than 30% over the life of the bulb. This is unseen in the industry.


Mega-Ray SB narrow-flood is a SB Par-38 True Frosted Flood Lamp. A true flood lamp, it will disperse usable UVB in a 30" circumference at a 20" distance.

MINIMUM distance setting of 6" will produce approximately 150-200 microwatts per square centimeter (uW/cm2) of UVB and 900-1200uW/cm2 of UVA.

MAXIMUM distance setting of 12" will produce 50-75 microwatts per square centimeter (uW/cm2) of UVB. (Distance is measured from lamp face to basking spot or reptile for optimum UVB and heat.)

Most people with UVB meters are getting 18+ months use out of our SB bulbs.

Warning: Heat

This self-ballasted bulb also produces heat. It is very important that you monitor the heat at the basking area and adjust the fixture-to-basking area distance accordingly to maintain a proper heat gradient. ALWAYS triple check the temperature at the basking spot - never risk burning your reptile.
